Subject: vim pkg again
To: None <>
From: Antti Kantee <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/20/1999 17:56:41
Inspired by Hubert, I've begun a major rework on the vim packages. The
outcome is supposed to be something similar to the following:

vim-share: contains all the shareable data between the vim packages,
           including patches, makefile.common and some tools and data
           files installed by vim

vim      : contains an ordinary non-gui version of vim depending on
           vim-share and conflicting with vim-xaw and vim-gtk

vim-gtk  : contains gtk gui, depends and conflicts similarly to above.
vim-xaw  : as above, but with xaw

Questions, suggestions, disses?

  "Never underestimate the power of the Lite side of the \Source/"
 Antti Kantee   /       NetBSD        \  1973 <- draken   \    / o
<> / \  platters -> 1999 \  /  |
______________/ Free Multiplatform UN*X \___________________\/__ |