Subject: old versions of packages
To: None <>
From: matt debergalis <deberg@MIT.EDU>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/07/1999 03:05:02
our pkgsrc tree has an old version of www/libwww, which is a dependency
of www/arena. i have an updated libwww package for the most recent
version which i'd like to commit, but libwww has changed significantly
between those versions, and converting arena to use the new libwww would
be a big project. adding to the mess, w3c has replaced arena w/ amaya
so, i don't want to break the arena package, but it'd be nice to have an
up-to-date libwww, and i'm not sure anyone really cares about arena.
matt debergalis <> KB1CTH
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