Subject: category for trouble ticket systems?
To: None <>
From: Dr. Lex Wennmacher <wennmach@geo.Uni-Koeln.DE>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/15/1999 15:18:51
There are several open source trouble ticket systems available, e. g. GNATS,
Bugzilla, ReqNG. I'm planning to pkgize some of them, starting with GNATS.
(I assume nobody else is currently working on this?)
What's the right category for trouble ticket systems? My feeling is that we
should create a new category, "tts", as there are at least 10 free tts's
Dr. Alexandre Wennmacher
Institut fuer Geophysik und Meteorologie wennmach@geo.Uni-Koeln.DE
Universitaet zu Koeln phone +49 221 470 - 3387
D-50923 Koeln fax +49 221 470 - 5198