Subject: Change request for package system.
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/04/1999 23:12:11
Hi y'all,
I've been wondering/thinking about the package system itself and found a
few `features' that might be usefull additions.
1) Would it be posible for _binary_ packages to automatically install the
packages they depend on either from the same directory or by fetching them
2) Would it be possible for pkgsrc packages to attempt to fetch the
precompiled binary's first (for the relevant architecture) before trying
to fetch the sources? Could be an option ?? Since this automatically
becomes recursive, significant compilationtime savings can be archieved!
(Yes, I do have a slow computer ;-))
3) Would it be possible for the make process to automatically create and
even upload the compiled binary packages for others?
Just some thoughts; I don't claim to know alot about the package system
P.S. I do recognize that the changes can create a significant increase of
bandwith to Maybe some mirrors for pre-compiled stuff ?