Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc
To: Tim Rightnour <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/31/1999 12:55:52
On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Tim Rightnour wrote:
> Here is why I put it in japanese:
> #1 It's a japnese language-ready pkg.
> #2 It's in japanese in FreeBSD.
> I guess the bigger question raised by all this is, where do we want packages
> like this to go? What is the purpose of the "japanese" category?
> a) It's for pkgs that support japanese.
> b) It's for pkgs that only support japanese.
> c) It's where we duplicate pkgs in other categories, with japanese support.
> I think the fact is that 90% of the japanese pkgs are just japanese-enabled
> ports of other packages, or add-ons, chich probably do belong there.
For the second question, I'd say "c".
For the general question, it's still that our categories are (roughly)
made after the functionality provided, not after copyright policy or
language they support. Esp. for the latter, there are quite some
internationalized packages out there, and if at all, we should add
language-specific entries to CATEGORIES, but not make any of the languages
their primary category.
- Hubert
P.S.: We should probably redesign our categories model after 1.4.
Hubert Feyrer <>