Subject: RE: free BSD pkg on NetBSD
To: Guy Santiglia <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/05/1999 08:59:16
On 05-Mar-99 Guy Santiglia spoke unto us all:
#     Can some one tell me what is the best way to start this project?
#  And where is a good place to get more instructions about constructing a 
#  package?
#    Do HAVE TO construct a package in order to install Wnn4.2.tar.gz on
#  NetBSD or is there an easier way that I am over looking?

You do not have to make a package to install it.  You could just hack at it and
install it yourself.  By creating a pkg though you help others who might want
this as well.

That said, it's probably easiest to take the FreeBSD pkg, and hack on it to
make it work under NetBSD.  Usually it's not too difficult.

Tim Rightnour  -
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