Subject: free BSD pkg on NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Guy Santiglia <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/05/1999 23:37:14
I'm trying to construct a package from FreeBSD on my NetBSD 1.3.3 system.
I've never constructed a package before. I've only used the package
system to install the packages that come with NetBSD pkgsrc.
Now I want to install Wnn, "The input method" for Japanese, Korean and
I'm not sure where to start. Should I copy that freeBSD directory
over to my /usr/pkgsrc directory and start editing the Makefile and such.
I was reading the package constructer's guide in the
/usr/pkgsrc/Packages.txt file to learn how to do this.
Can some one tell me what is the best way to start this project?
And where is a good place to get more instructions about constructing a
Do HAVE TO construct a package in order to install Wnn4.2.tar.gz on
NetBSD or is there an easier way that I am over looking?
Thanks for any suggestions,
Guy Santiglia Quadra 610, NetBSD 1.3.3!
South Korea