Subject: Re: pkg_delete -r [was: Re: CVS commit: src]
To: Christian E. Hopps <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/26/1999 18:19:17
On 26 Feb 1999, Christian E. Hopps wrote:
> >  - The error message you give if a package can't be deleted ("had problem
> >    removing ...") should rather indicate that it's likely that some other
> >    package still needs this package. Also, you should then stop deleting
> >    any pkgs further down the dependency tree. 
> But unless there is a problem with my code this isn't true.  It
> will be some other problem.  I do stop deleting unless the force
> flag is set.

Well, yes, but you may still indicate that the packages which can't be
deleted are still needed and this not removed, just to minimize user
confusion. :>

> If you look at the code its doing this already.  Its decending to
> the leaves of the tree before adding things to the rddelq.
> Things are added to the tail of the rddelq.  Thus the head of the
> queue is some package that is required by no-one. rdfindq
> represents the branch on the tree and is used to detect circular
> dependencies.

Cool - I have to study this again. :>

> question was that no-one was.  It was a one night program.  Thats
> not to say people weren't thinking about writing it, but I've
> been asking for this feature for months, and I got tired of it
> and decided to help the project out.

Heh, sure. :)
Assuming the list you build is properly sorted, this should be ok with any
future changes. 

Again, thanks for adding this. 

 - Hubert

Hubert Feyrer <>