Subject: Re: pkgdb - testers wanted
To: None <>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/13/1999 20:13:58
Hubert Feyrer <> writes:
>On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Christoph Badura wrote:
>> >% pkg_info -Fe /usr/X11R6/bin/pload
>> > => Shows you which package the named file belongs to
>> >% pkg_info -F /usr/X11R6/bin/pload
>> > => Get mode information on the package the named file belongs to
>> It would appear more normal to me if the default were to tell me what
>> package a file belongs to. Everything else can be worked out from that
>> information.
>You mean without the -F switch?
No, I mean with just the "-F" switch.
>> Hmm, is the "file name" argument a regex to match in the pkgdb or will
>> I lose that functionality? If it were a regex "pkg_info -F" could be
>> subsumed under "pkg_info -F .*".
>Nope - dbopen() doesn't seem to provide such matching, or at least I don't
>know enough about it to do that. Maybe if you construct the right
>compare-function, this could be possible.
This is less useful then "egrep filename /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS"?
>> I would also prefer it if making a simple error wouldn't dump the whole pkgdb
>> at me but gave a helpful message instead
>Simple error like what?
Like forgetting to add the file name.
Christoph Badura
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