Subject: Re: netscape (binary package)
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/11/1999 16:06:22
On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, SAVE MY WALRUS wrote:

: This, I believe, is the point Jason was trying to make.  It oughtn't be
: a catch-all for anything.  Locations should be well thought out.  /lib
: is for libraries (hey, fancy that).

...and except for Netscape's binary, the `share'able stuff (NLS and 
XKeysymDB), it's all actually libraries.

So, to rehash and make one concede, the following could be done:

$PREFIX/lib/netscape    everything but NLS, XKeysymDB, and netscape binaries
                        (this is $MOZILLA_HOME)

$PREFIX/libexec         where the netscape binaries go

$PREFIX/share/netscape  where the shareable stuff goes

: Speaking of /usr/libexec, I _am_ curious to the exact definition of
: what is supposed to be there.  It looks like a repository of daemons
: which speak out to sockets or attach themselves somewhere besides std*.
: In which case, shouldn't nfsd, nfsiod and pppd go there?

>From hier(7):

                libexec/  system daemons & system utilities (executed by other

The key phrase is in parentheses.  All of nfsd, nfsiod, and pppd are invoked

-- Todd Vierling (Personal; Bus.