Subject: RE: either or DEPENDS?
To: None <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/22/1998 23:22:10
On 23-Dec-98 spoke unto us all:
#  is there a clean way to handle this in a package?  I could hack a gnu
#  'configure' script to search for f77 and then f2c-f77 and then fail if
#  neither is there, but it would be nice if the package would just tell the
#  user 'hey, you need one of these things'.
#  Any suggestions?

I had discussed doing this before, but I don't think anything ever happened of
it.  One of my ideas would be something like:

.if !exists(/usr/bin/f77)

You could add other goop in there that a configure script, or tuned makefile
would pick up on.

Tim Rightnour  -
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