Subject: Re: package oddities...
To: None <>
From: Data In~rte~vgri}ity EnginNO CARRIER <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/09/1998 15:59:08
Certain enough; I figured it merited a wider audience...

Specifically xmcd and rplay were the ones in question.

Thorsten Frueauf sez:
 * Hello!
 * > They're non-fatal; the package in question gets installed, but the messages
 * > indicate to me that something in the package does not correspond correctly
 * > to what is actually being installed on the system.
 * Will you tell us which packages did cause this? What version of the
 * pkg_utilities do you use?
 * To me it looks as if the PLIST of this package was not ok.
 * Please note that this should be discussed in
 * rather than current-users.
 * Greets
 * -- 
 *    Name  : Thorsten Frueauf            Milano@irc cri@onaliM       //
 *    E-Mail: oder     \X/

System V any flavor: just say NO!