Subject: RE: Proposal: cd /usr/pkgsrc/foo ; make bar
To: Tim Rightnour <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/04/1998 04:00:01
On Thu, 3 Dec 1998, Tim Rightnour wrote:
> Well.. Thats what I'm unsure about..  I was thinking along the lines of
> it to a directory like /tmp/results when it's done, so you can just go
and have 
> a look see..
> The idea being, if I want to run bytebench over and over.. then thats fine that
> it puts results in its own dir.  But if I've just installed my new machine, and
> am curious, it would be handy to have it just dump them all in one convenient
> location.

Yup - some packages already do so, while others just dump to stdout. 
For me, it'd just be ok if "cd /usr/pkgsrc/benchmark ; make benchmark"
produced some output that could be captured to a file, and that contains
all there is to say.

 - Hubert

Hubert Feyrer <>