Subject: RE: pkgtools diffs
To: Alistair Crooks <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/26/1998 08:16:40
On 26-Aug-98 Alistair Crooks spoke unto us all:
#  I've tried it out on this box here, but other people have different
#  setups, and I'd like feedback from those who are on standalone boxes,
#  etc.  I'm also a bit concerned about having two pkg_delete (for
#  example) binaries on one system, and the choice of which one is used
#  depending on order of directories in your path.

Thats my fear.. is the double existence of pkg_delete.  I think the install
logic in should rename the old one so an admin doesn't accidentally
run the wrong one.  (expecially if he hard types the path being paranoid or

Tim Rightnour    -