Subject: Re: NetBSD master CVS tree commits
To: Christoph Badura <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/07/1998 16:29:53
On Sat, 25 Jul 1998, Christoph Badura wrote:

> However, installing packages and configuring them are orthogonal activities.
> The package system should deal with installing packages only, IMHO.
> If you want to make it easy for users to install _and_ configure packages,
> we should provide a system configuration utility like the ones the Linux
> distributions use and that utility should handle the task of configuring
> the packages (and install the software if it's not already installed).

I agree with this. This would also give us the ability to change
the configuration after the install time, which is essential for
a truly user friendly system anyway. (You should be able to turn
off the web server without completely deinstalling it.)


Curt Sampson	   Info at
Internet Portal Services, Inc.	   Through infinite mist, software reverberates
Vancouver, BC  (604) 257-9400	   In code possess'd of invisible folly.