Subject: RE: Things That Suck About pkgsrc, part 3
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/15/1998 07:34:13
On 13-Jul-98 Charles M. Hannum spoke unto us all:
# Consider what happens when I give Joe Random a CD. They install
# NetBSD. Now say they want to install `sudo'. *Where* do they look?
# I'm sure that on reading this, lots of people will say or think `in
# pkgsrc', but Joe Random *doesn't know that*. Even if he manages to
# figure out that's what's on the second CD, he still doesn't know how
# to use it.
I've been investigating doing something about this.. but I really have nothing
solid planned. Mainly I was thinking of extending sysinst to be more
smit-like, and have it possible to install pkgs from there directly. This
right now.. is totally emryonic.. I'm not sure I'll have time for it even..
Tim Rightnour -