Subject: Re: Four Drive RAID-5 on RAIDFrame Considered Harmful...
To: Robert P. Thille <>
From: Greg Troxel <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 10/10/2007 07:48:50
Setting it up initially, I raided the 4 drives together with two
partitions on each of the components: a small one for RAID-1 to load
the kernel, and a large one for RAID-5. Unfortunately, the RAID-5 had
horrible performance: 2-3MB/sec sometimes and never higher than about
I am not 100% clear on this, but I have the impression that RAID-5
requires read-modify-write and that in the event of system crash or
power loss you can get corruption, and thus the good hardware
controllers have a) battery backed RAM and b) code that won't crash. (I
don't mean to malign the raidframe code - but because it's in-kernel if
the kernel crashes for any reason - not unheard of - then pending raid
writes may not happen.)
Because of this I've always just bought two big disks and done RAID-1.
Perhaps Greg Oster will chime in, and it would be a good addition to the
Guide to discuss the wisdom of using RAID-5.