Subject: sysctl HW_PAGESIZE
To: None <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 02/23/2002 20:39:07
I was debugging sysconf emulation for IRIX and I had to add some printf
in sysctl() to understand what was going on.
Theses debug printf's show me that on each process launch, we do a
sysctl HW_PAGESIZE to discover the hardware page size. This is spends a
system call for each program startup to discover something that seems to
be a hardware constant.
Maybe this is a stupid question, but... the page size is CPU related,
right? Is it true that a binary build for a given CPU will always see
the same page size? If it is, then we could get the page size at build
time instead of at run time.
Emmanuel Dreyfus.
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