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Re: NPF and PF

One bug, two bad behaviours.  Mention both behaviours.  And if possible,
get a crash dump, put it somewhere semi-permanent, and provide a link to
the crash dump in the PR text.

On Wed, 16 Dec 2020, Hector wrote:

* Jason Thorpe <> wrote, on 2020-12-16 11:16:
On Dec 16, 2020, at 9:02 AM, Hector <> wrote:

Trying to load a npf ruleset with tables of thousands of entries
takes _minutes_. In one case I had with tens of thousands of lpm
table entries, 'npf reload' chewed for almost 20 minutes (!!), and
then crashed, leaving the filter in an inoperable state.
Please file a bug report!

-- thorpej

Which behavior should be called out as the bug? The crash, or the
fact that it takes minutes to load a ruleset with large tables?


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