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Re: Proposal to remove netsmb / smbfs

Le lun. 20 janv. 2020 à 21:07, Jason Thorpe <> a écrit :
> (Cross-posted to tech-kern / tech-net because it affects networking and file systems.)
> I would like to propose that we remove netsmb and smbfs.  Two reasons:

Yes, please.

> 1- They only support SMB1, which is an ancient flavor of the protocol.  SMB2 was introduced in 2006 and SMB3 in 2012.  SMB3 is the flavor of the protocol favored by all of the major implementations, and for those that still support SMB1, you sometimes have to go out of your way to enable it.
> 2- It is not MP-safe.  The effort to make it MP-safe would be non-trivial.

I remember netsmb particularly uses some fairly strange way how it
works internally, I was meaning to look at it ever since importing it,
which however never happened.

IIRC SMB1 is even not supported any more in current version of
windows, so the utility of smbfs is close to 0.


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