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Re: carp and routing

While I have many problems with workplace's carp router pair, the 
primary machine's default route is not one of them. (The fallback 
machine's default route, though, is void, which might give problems 
with ntp.)

On Tue, 14 Mar 2017 19:15:46 +0000 (GMT), Stephen Borrill wrote:
> default            80.x.y.62          UGS         -        -      -  carp1

My box says

% netstat -f inet -nr | grep 130.83.a
default            130.83.a.b         UGS         -        -      -  wm0
130.83.a.b/29      link#2             UC          -        -      -  wm0
130.83.a.c         130.83.a.c         UH          -        -      -  
130.83.a.d         m:n:o:p:q:r        UHLc        -        -      -  wm0

here, and I seem to recall you should generally not use the carpN 
interfaces, but stick to the physical ones.


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