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Re: patch make struct protosw pr_input non-variadic

   Date: Sat, 14 May 2016 15:29:36 -0400
   From: (Christos Zoulas)

   But you are casting structs now... How is that safe?
   You might as well make it an array for void *'s...

Before, with casts for type puns and strict aliasing violation:

	struct protosw {
		int pr_type;
		int (*pr_input)(struct mbuf *, ...);

	struct ip6protosw {
		int pr_type;
		int (*pr_input)(struct mbuf **, int *, int);

	struct ip6protosw inet6sw[] = {
			.pr_type = SOCK_DGRAM,
			.pr_input = udp6_input,

	struct domain inet6domain = {
		 * Type pun in violation of strict aliasing.  inet6sw is *not*
		 * an array of struct protosw.
--->		.dom_protosw = (struct protosw *)inet6sw,

After, with neither casts nor void * nor strict aliasing violations:

	struct protosw {
		int pr_type;

	struct ip6protosw {
		struct protosw ip6pr_protosw;
		int (*ip6pr_input)(struct mbuf **, int *, int);

	struct ip6protosw inet6sw[] = {
			.ip6pr_protosw = { .pr_type = SOCK_DGRAM },
			.ip6pr_input = udp6_input,

	struct protosw *inet6protosw[] = {
		/* Effectively, this initializer, but written at run-time.  */

	struct domain inet6domain = {
		/* No type pun: LHS and RHS are both struct protosw **.  */
--->		.dom_protosw = inet6protosw,

(But ip6_input still goes through inet6sw directly -- so there is no
change to the protocol-dispatching code in the packet-processing

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