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Re: NPF or PF

On 6/9/15 1:27 AM, Alain Aubord wrote:
> Hi All,
> Could you Please indicate me what are the main differences between the
> both packets filters NPF and PF?

Hi, Alain.

I think the main differences are in the design: NPF was designed from
the ground up to scale well on a multi-core system, and it was designed
to use byte-code processing for protocol independence and flexibility.

> For what reason does one choose NPF instead PF?

You might choose NPF because of the differences noted above.  You also
might choose NPF if you're running NetBSD because it's the "NetBSD
packet filter."

> Is NPF available in other system (freebasd, linux)?

Not that I know of.

> Is a documentation (beside the man pages) available describing the use
> and functionalities of NPF?

Yes [1][2][3].



P.S. FYI, the email you sent is messed up; it contains many spaces at
the end of some of the lines.

[3] Mindaugas Rasiukevicius, "NPF - progress and perspective,"

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