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Re: Add ARP to INET or require ND6

    Date:        Mon, 04 May 2015 23:12:59 +0100
    From:        Roy Marples <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | The argument at the time being why pay for ARP if there are no real 
  | interfaces?

Not really, ARP was an add-on to IPv4, it didn't originally exist, and
only (strictly) applies to ethernet interfaces - other interface types
have their own address resolution protocols.  Many of them are (not
coincidentally) essentially identical to ARP, but they are all distinct,
and could potentially diverge over time.

On the other hand, ND is a fundamental part of IPv6, and applies in the
exact same way to all interface types (ie: the interface is irrelevant).

The two are really barely comparable, other than both providing similar

There's no need to change anything, leave ARP as it is (optional, even
if almost no-one ever disables it) and ND included with all the rest of v6.


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