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Re: host route out of subnet

Roy Marples <> writes:

> I am working on an issue with managing a host route to a host outside of
> the defined subnet.

This is basically a mess, although I can see why you want to have this

The basic issue in the 4.4BSD stack is how arp and cloning routes work.
Normally hitting a C routes is the trigger for a Lc entry (link-layer,
was cloned).

So somehow, there needs to be a routing entry that says "for this
address, arp on this interface", and additional state to store the mac
address obtained by arp.

> On the other hand this works instead:
>  # ifconfig fxp0 inet
>  # route add -net -link fxp0 -iface -cloning
>  # route add default -ifa
> I have had a very unsatisfactory ad-hoc chat with a few people, so I'm
> bring this here.

It makes sense that it works; it sets up the cloning route that the arp
code expects.   Presumably you can ping the and it will arp
after just the first route.

> 1) Is the route add -host command above expected to work as described in
> the wiki? If so a simple fix is not to use link_addr(3) and instead set
> sdl->sdl_index to the interface index. This makes it then work.
> However, the kernel then displays an advisory of arpresolve: unresolved
> and rt_expire == 0 so it might just be working by accident rather than
> design.

I don't see how it would work not to have two entries, one to trigger
arp and one to store it.  But maybe a L route with an empty arp RHS will
trigger.   I would read if_ethersubr.c to find out.

> 3) Is the route add -net command a better way of describing the host
> route being off the subnet net but on the link and we should update the
> wiki?

Good question, and probably, unless the single-entry update-RHS code for
arp is ok.  Have you looked at the other BSDs?  (This is really about
the 4.4BSD approach to arp, not about standards.)

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