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Re: deprecated??

    Date:        Mon, 20 Oct 2014 14:15:14 -0400 (EDT)
    From:        Mouse <mouse%Rodents-Montreal.ORG@localhost>
    Message-ID:  <201410201815.OAA23760%Stone.Rodents-Montreal.ORG@localhost>

  | I just now had occasion to look at lo(4), for the first time in I don't
  | know how long.

Your message inspired me to as well, after all, why would any bother to
look there, we all know ....

I know the specific issue your raised has been answered, but did you
also ready the rest of the man page ...

     loopback interface should be the last interface configured, as protocols
     may use the order of configuration as an indication of priority.  The
     loopback should never be configured first unless no hardware interfaces

The whole thing (that, and more I did not quote) kind of implies that
people would probably be better off not configuring lo0 at all, unless they
have some specific need for it.

These days of course, all that has changed - lo0 is always (on NetBSD anyway)
configured first, the network stack simply won't work unless it is there, and
"operating" correctly - it is fundamental, not just a quirky add on.

The point of this message, is that if anyone is inspired to go remove the
BUGS section from lo(4) - don't just do that, rewrite the whole thing.


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