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Re: Bridged ethernet with ipnat redirect to local port - getting ICMP redirects instead

Darren Reed wrote:
The attached patch should sort things out for you.

Thanks a lot, I will try it later and report back.

Now it might simply be that the bridge code has been written to only work
when there are no IP addresses assigned to any of the network interfaces
assigned to the bridge. If that's the case then your use (and my use above)
is outside of the scope for supported bridging with NetBSD.

Unfortunately there is nothing in bridge(4) to say that bridging is or isn't
supported when a network interface has an IP address.

Well, at least in
the NetBSD Guide says:

"Remember that if you want to give the bridge machine an IP address you can only
allocate an IP address to one of the interfaces which are part of the bridge."

Best regards,

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