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Re: route6d is in /usr/sbin, doesn't start on boot

Greg Troxel <> writes:

> I have been finding that route6d does not start on boot (with
> route6d=YES in rc.conf).
> After much consternation, I found that the problem is that route6d is in
> /usr/sbin, but only expresses a dependency on mountcritlocal, and thus
> /usr is not necessarily mounted yet, (with default values).

It turns out that mountcritremote depends on NETWORKING which depends on
route6d.  Unfortunately there really is a cycle in our requirements.

So, options are:

  1) move route6d (and rtsol, rtsold) to /sbin

  2) drop the notion of nfs mounting /usr from our rc.d plan

  3) in mountcritremote, depend on, instead of NETWORKING
     network wpa_supplicate dhclient staticroute
  4) move /usr to critical_filesystems_local and leave the problem to
  people who use nfs /usr to figure out what makes sense in their world.

The 3rd option essentially splits NETWORKING into NETWORKING_BASIC and
NETWORKING_ROUTING.  It seems crazy to nfs mount /usr across a router,
so this seems ok to me.

But, if putting route6d in /sbin is the right answer, that's fine.
(And if someone who has better install-set-rearranging-fu than me wants
to, that would be even better.)

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