Subject: multi-core router
To: None <,>
From: Bill Stouder-Studenmund <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/03/2007 13:50:40
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At the last San Diego BSD users group meeting we had an interesting=20
discussion about which would be a better pf platform: FreeBSD or OpenBSD.=
The choices were OpenBSD 4.2 with the updated pf (supposedly lots of=20
performance improvements) or FreeBSD 5.3 I think it was. The perceived=20
disadvantage of FreeBSD was a slightly older pf (shouldn't be hard to fix)=
and the advantage would be the ability to use more than one core. You=20
can't really buy UP Intel chips anymore (well, you can buy Celerons, but=20
why not just get a Core 2 Duo), and Core 2 Quad isn't that much more.
The target setup involves three NICs. One to the outside, one to the=20
inside, and one to the failover box.
So that leads me to two questions for these lists.
1) How would you design a router to make use of multiple cores. We've=20
talked about different multi-core setups for running the TCP stack on one=
core and IP on another and so on to sustain 10 GigE TCP connections. But=20
this case is different in that all we're doing is NAT and forwarding.
2) How well do we think existing code (FreeBSD, so I can tell the folks=20
next month, and NetBSD) will do in this case?
Take care,
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