Subject: Re: HELP on Multicast
To: <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/30/2006 17:14:41
On Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 03:17:54PM +0000, Alexandre Almeida wrote:
> Hello...
> I think that I need to work with multicast, to enable RIP (qaugga) and a 
> speedtouch router, but I dont' t understand  why is MULTICAST enable on 
> interfaces and netstat -g don't show them.

> # netstat -gn
> Virtual Interface Table is empty
> Multicast Forwarding Cache is empty

Those are for multicast _routing_, not for the local multicasts you'd need
for routing protocols.

I've used ex and ep interfaces with IPv6, so I know that local multicasts
work with them.

> I think that a route like should exist, but I' really don't 
> understand Multicast

No, that wouldn't show up as a route. You need to tell your Quagga
to listen on the right interface, most likely. Hm, can you tcpdump
on the interface you want and look for the incoming multicast reports?

seal your e-mail: