Subject: Re: Measuring dropped packets
To: None <>
From: Christoph Kaegi <>
List: tech-net
Date: 10/27/2006 08:30:22
On 26.10-20:27, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> > packets dropped: 91897332
> > ---------------------------- 8< ----------------------------
> >
> > Ugh! Seems like a lot of dropped packets on the last line.
> > Can you explain, where exactly that these packets were
> > dropped?
> When a packet is received, the interrupt handler for the adapter places it
> in the IP input queue, which is processed later at a lower interrupt
> priority. What happens here is, I guess, that you have several adapters,
> each with a large receive ring. When the interrupt handler is going to
> process the receive ring of the adapters, and as each have several packets
> it reaches the ipintrq length limit.
Thanks for the explanation Manuel. :-)
Christoph Kaegi