Subject: Re: connection bonding?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/07/2005 22:42:43
In message <200512080313.WAA21954@Sparkle.Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>, der Mouse wr
>> The agr(4) man page hints at the issue. The problem is that you
>> *really* don't want TCP segments from a single connection arriving
>> out of order. While TCP semantics guarantee that things will work,
>> it will cause a tremendous performance hit.
>Surely that's a (performance) bug in the TCP stacks? The network has
>never promised it won't reorder packets, and indeed when I traceroute I
>see packets only a second apart taking different paths in terms of
>router addresses (surely going down different wires to different
>next-hops is even more reordering-prone than going down different wires
>to the same next-hop?).
Right, which is why that isn't done. A useful heuristic is that all
packets for the same TCP connection should go down the same output
interface at each hop. Using a hash function is a stateless
approximation what you want.
>> In particular, if a sender receives 3 duplicate ACKs in a row, it
>> slams its congestion window shut and restarts the whole slow start
>> business.
>Wouldn't it make more sense to either be less hair-trigger in the
>congestion detection algorithms or also implement some kind of
>reordering detection to avoid this? Assuming the network won't reorder
>packets really strikes me as a modern version of the "everything is on
>a fast LAN" problem that many Berkeley network programs suffered from,
>and which got smoked out once IP started getting used over longer
It's a research problem, i.e., the TCP performance mafia doesn't know
the answer yet, as best I can tell. See, for example, Ethan Blanton,
Mark Allman. On Making TCP More Robust to Packet Reordering. ACM
Computer Communication Review, 32(1), January 2002, ; also see
for *proposed* TCP behavior changes to make it better.
>If none of those are considered usable for some reason, then I guess
>the world needs a link aggregation design that preserves packet order
>but still load-balances sanely. In NetBSD kernel terms, I wonder if
>all the member interfaces could be made to share the same output queue?
>You'd mostly get lack of reordering *and* still have real
>load-balancing, it seems to me.
That's reall hard, because of the mix of TCP packet sizes. Most bytes
are carried by max-MTU packets, but 40-50% of packets are 40 or 44-byte
ACKs. Even with the same line speed, you have a ~10-35x size
difference, which leaves plenty of room for reordering.
--Steven M. Bellovin,