Subject: Re: linksys eg1032 rev 3, patches
To: Jeff Rizzo <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/23/2005 19:31:14
Jeff Rizzo wrote:
> Can someone look over these patches to if_sk.c and if_re_pci.c ? Rev 3
> of the Linksys EG1032 gigE board needs re(4) rather than sk(4), and with
> these patches, are matched correctly. (taken mostly from OpenBSD)
> I'm not sure if it would be preferable to do the subsystem id matching
> which is necessary in a less one-off way - it seems like it would be more
> "right", but at the moment, no other devices need it.
First off, I'll echo Thor's comments.
Also, can you add a "special-case Linksys EG1032" comment to if_sk.c
like the one in if_re_pci.c?
Simon Burge <>
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