Subject: Re: patch rfc: source-address selection policy
To: None <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: tech-net
Date: 09/21/2005 09:55:44
On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, David Young wrote:
> % sysctl net.inet.ip.ath0.selectsrc
> net.inet.ip.ath0.selectsrc = same-category,common-prefix-len,preference
> % sysctl -w net.inet.ip.ath0.selectsrc=index
> net.inet.ip.ath0.selectsrc: same-category,common-prefix-len,preference -> index

This looks good.  With the addition of a way to set a global default, I
think it would satisfy everybody who has asked for this kind of thing in
the past.  (I'd usually want default=common-prefix-len.)

However, I don't like having inteface names (like "ath0") at the same
level of the sysctl name tree as other stuff (like "forwarding",
"redirect", "ttl").  I suggest something like this:


or like this:

--apb (Alan Barrett)