Subject: Re: nfs between -current and netbsd-3
To: YAMAMOTO Takashi <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: tech-net
Date: 09/12/2005 11:52:45
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On 2005.09.12 11:18:07 +0900, YAMAMOTO Takashi wrote:
| > quanta:/srv/nfs: inaccurate wcc data (mtime) detected, disabling wcc
| > quanta:/srv/nfs: inaccurate wcc data (mtime) detected, disabling wcc
| > So what could be happening here ? My desktop is faster than my NFS
| > server is it because of that ? How can the timestamps be incompatible
| > between two not-very-distant NetBSD versions (assuming that's the
| > problem) ?
| assuming that you are using ffs on the server,
| it's normal if your network and machines are fast enough.
| > How can the server be "not precise enough" ?
| fix the filesystem which you are using.
| ffs file timestamps are not accurate enough for this purpose.
| i think chs@ is working to make them use microtime(9).
IC. So, which file systems don't have this problem ?
-- Rui Paulo
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