Subject: Re: need help for using BPF to send Ethernet frames
To: TATEOKA Takamichi <>
From: Benoit Campedel <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/26/2005 22:55:44
Thanks a lot, I'll give it a try tomorrow morning.
(BTW, your project seems quite interesting !)
Le 26 juil. 05 =E0 19:47, TATEOKA Takamichi a =E9crit :
>> Can someone provide me with an simple example that does work ?
>> Just a few lines sending an array of bytes to "en0" using /dev/bpf0.
> You can find an user-level UDP/IP protocol implementation on:
> The file "hardware_bpf.c" in it will be help you.
> Regards,
> Takamichi Tateoka (