Subject: Re: ralink wireless drivers
To: FUKAUMI Naoki <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/05/2005 21:23:32
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On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 03:24:19AM +0900, FUKAUMI Naoki wrote:
> > > Matthias, Can you use your ral device with WEP?
> >=20
> > As soon as I can connect to the "ZEL-Funknetz" network, I'll try.
> Are the IEEE80211_C_WEP flags removed from my patch?
> It's required to use WEP in ral.
Using today's current (if_ural.c 1.2), I tried this evening on an 11g
network with WEP.
I got an assosciation ~immediately, including negotiation of WEP
capability, looking at DLT_IEEE802_11 traffic; the interface reported
connected state and media (auto) went straight to OFDM54. However,
normal data traffic received seems not to be getting decrypted, and
thus I had no connectivity.
Seems like the driver may need a similar tweak to that made for some
of the others with the recent framework changes; appropriately
flagging the driver for software or hardware WEP decapsulation?
FWIW, this is with an ASUS WL-167g:
ral0 at uhub0 port 1
ral0: ASUS 802.11g WLAN Drive, rev 2.00/0.01, addr 2
ral0: MAC/BBP RT2570 (rev 0x03), RF RT2526, address 00:11:d8:24:5c:a9
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