Subject: Re: route metric
To: None <>
From: Andreas Hallmann <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/21/2005 14:21:42
Hanspeter Roth wrote:
> On Jun 06 at 13:53, der Mouse spoke:
>>>But it seems it's not possible to have two default routes with
>>>different hopcounts.
>>Is it possible to have two default routes at all?
>I was expecting that it is possible to have multiple routes to the
>same destination as long as the hopcounts (metric) are different.
>But obviously this is not the case.
But it would be nice! I tried it for myself a month or two ago.
I thought routed would work it out and set the default route with the
better metric.
But it takes the first default comming in.
Moreover you will get the following messages from routed: .....
write(rt_sock) RTM_CHANGE <gateway ip> metric=15 flags=0x2: Too
man< refeneces: can't splice
Maybe someone can expalin it to me?
Cheers Andreas