Subject: Re: single-user multi-user: failure to use INET6
To: Rui Paulo <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/10/2005 00:50:23
> following init sequence:
> 1) power-up;
> 2) multi-user mode;
> 3) single-user mode;
> 4) multi-user mode.
> And somehow, to be able to get IPv6 back to normal, I have to:
> 1) remove the ine6 address from the interface (it will also
> remove, in my setup, 2 routing table entries);
> 2) run rtsol again (sets the inet6 address and the 2 routing
> table entries
I'm not sure if IPv4 networking is shut down when going
multiuser->singleuser, but this may be related.
Does a manual "sh /etc/rc.d/network stop" bring things to the state you
expected them to be in? (I have no idea if these scripts are ran on
"shutdown"... probably only if you set some rc-variable).
- Hubert