Subject: Re: switching to ipsec-tool's racoon
To: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/17/2004 07:55:46
In message <>, Emmanuel Dreyfus writes:
>Thor Lancelot Simon <> wrote:
>> It looks to me like with the ipsec-tools racoon, we lose AES support,
>> because there's a disagreement with the kernel about which algorithm
>> to use.  That, at least, is very important to fix.
>I'm looking at AES. While I was here, I tried all the documented
>ciphers. For phase 2, the following cause failures, both in KAME racoon
>and ipsec-tools racoon:
>encryption: IDEA, 3IDEA, RC5, RC4, TWOFISH
>authentication: DES, 3DES, DES_IV32, DES_IV64
>Should the documentation be updated and those ciphers removed?

IDEA, 3IDEA, and RC5 are covered by patents, at least in the US.  RC4 
is hard to do in IPsec, because it's a stream cipher and would have 
trouble with out-of-order blocks unless it takes a time or space 
performance hit.  

In other words, I won't miss them at all....

		--Steve Bellovin,