Subject: Re: slashdot on 'OpenBSD Activism Shows Drivers Can Be Freed'
To: None <>
From: Ken Hornstein <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/03/2004 11:58:27
> Sorry for taking a day, but I've been busy and didn't immediately
>notice you comments. While I agree with many of your points, you have made
>at least a few errors in the last few couple of days; As an example of the
>FCC specifically requiring a manufacturer to "restrict" software and drivers
>(NOTE: this IS an Atheros chip in question - in fact its an outstanding
>NetBSD PR) look at the documents (on the FCC site):
The key bits from this document are:
If the manufacturer chooses to proceed forth by eliminating the
channels in 5150-5250 MHz band for use in the United States, then we
will require an attestation from the manufacturer (on D-Link
letterhead) that states:
"This device will not allow the end user to select channels in the
5150-5250 MHz band. Software and/or drivers will not be provided to
allow operation in these bands."
This is consistant with what Dave said earlier (notice that they specified
"end user"). The FCC _didn't_ say "You can't tell anyone how to program
this hardware to transmit in that band".