Subject: Re: Patch to get aironet (an0) cards working
To: Jim Miller <>
From: Dheeraj Reddy <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/02/2004 16:55:49
On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 04:28:17PM -0500, Jim Miller wrote:
> > Hello there, Can someone kindly commit the attached patches. These
> > make the aironet cards working again. I have checked using the 350
> > series with the newest firmwares (5.41)
> Hi,
> I've been struggling with Aironet 350 and NetBSD 1.6.2 and 2.0RC4 for
> weeks now. The Aironet 350 client card (v5.41) works fine when
> associating with a non-cisco access point. However, when associating
> with a Cisco AP the card is unable to de-encapsulate the received
> frames (the right data is there but there is some other link layer
> header around it that I can't figure out).
> Did you test a 350 card with a Cisco Access Point or some other AP?
> I applied your diffs to RC4 and tried them but had the same results as
> with my own modified driver. Is there some sort of magic required to
> get this card to work beyond what can be done via ifconfig?
> Thanks,
> Jim
I have tested them with a hostap based access point (with WEP), I can check
it with a cisco access point this evening at school and report back.
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