Subject: bpf breakage
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/03/2004 10:40:54
	due to this change in sys/net/bpf.c (bpf_measure -> m_length),
	bpf on many interfaces (which prepends address family by integer)
	is broken.  the length will become off by 4, and you'll see
	"truncated-ip" message from tcpdump.  please back it out.

	my guess is the culprit is "optimize m_length" (2nd paragraph from the


Revision 1.101 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Sun Jun 6 04:35:53 2004 UTC (3 weeks, 5 days ago) by dyoung
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.100: +8 -16 lines
Diff to previous 1.100 (colored)

Per Matt Thomas' and Darren Reed's suggestions:

Add bpf_deliver prototype.

Rename bpf_measure to m_length and move it to sys/sys/mbuf.h.  I
make m_length an inline function in the header file to preserve
its performance characteristics, for better or for worse.

Optimize m_length: use the length in m_pkthdr.len, if M_PKTHDR.

In bpf_deliver, zero the on-stack mbuf before we do anything else
with it.