Subject: Re: NIC to disk issues
To: None <>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Timo_Sch=F6ler?= <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/11/2004 10:01:14
Hash: SHA1
assuming you're using a managed switch, what do the counters for=20
collisions (!) etc. say on the ports the machines are connected to?
this problem of not correct handshaking is likely common... :(
>> I'll check what tcpdump shows later today.
> Yes, please.
>> However, if you are correct, where exactly is my problem. It is clear
>> that something is wrong on my i386 machine. If it's not NetBSD, there
>> must be something wrong with the hardware. I'm thinking that the
>> only thing it can be is the motherboard, because I've already tried
>> changing all the other components (NIC, disks, IDE interface).
> You tried that but still: probably good NIC should help,
> I had good experience with intel's fxp, sun's hme, tulips,
> YMMV, so I'd suggest to search mail archive.
> May be before you invest in new card try to profile kernel and see
> if that discover something unusual.
> Also, you can wire those 2 machines with cross wire and set media
> explictly to avoid possible hub/switch incorrect duplex/half-duplex
> mode.
mit vorzueglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Schler
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