Subject: Gnome-panel freezes after updating NetBSD-1.6.1-STABLE userland
To: None <>
From: Christian Palomino <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/12/2003 09:48:38
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 After upgrading 1.6.1-STABLE userland three weeks ago, I've got an =20
issue with gnome-panel (Gnome v.2 from pkgsrc) which worked perfectly =20
before. Now, every time I launch a program from menu, gnome-panel =20
starts to ask for 99% of the processor, and it takes a while for the =20
program to be launched.  If I try to launch a program from a launcher =20
button, then the hole X session gets frozen, I can switch to console =20
mode with Ctrl-Alt-F1 and kill the gnome-panel process (the one forked
to launch the program) or wait a couple of minutes until the session =20
gets defrost and the program launched.

As I'm using Enlightenment as Window Manager, I can use its menus =20
anyhow, and they work perfectly, with no processor consume. The only =20
"but" is nauitilus. If I start it, the process starts to eat processor =20
up to 99% and the program never starts in X.

Does anyone have any idea what can be causing the problem? And how to =20
solve it? I've even tried of re-installing the system from the beganing =20
and updating the kernel and userland before even installing X, but I =20
get the same. The only error message I get from gnome panel when I =20
launch a program is:

(gnome-panel:440): Wnck-CRITICAL **: file workspace.c: line 133
(wnck_workspace_get_number): assertion `WNCK_IS_WORKSPACE (space)' =20

Thanks for your help.

Christian Palomino
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