Subject: Re: SMTP/IPv6, stf0 and stuff
To: Michael Richardson <>
From: None <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/21/2003 07:43:34
>My default route was:
> mtu
>default fe80::280:c8ff:feca:766c%vr0 UG 4 738 - vr0
looks ok. do you have any device that filters icmpv6 out?
(that would cause PMTUD blackhole)
>I poked at it by doing:
>route change -inet6 -net -mtu 1280 :: fe80::280:c8ff:feca:766c
you have to specify the outgoing link on the last argument, like
"fe80::280:c8ff:feca:766c%vr0". it is mandatory.