Subject: Re: Try again, itojun, patches need more work.
To: Darren Reed <>
From: None <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/30/2003 13:51:28
>> 	tagnames needs to be reference-counted.  i.e. whenever there are
>> 	filtering rules that use certain tagname, you want a consistent value.
>Oh sure, I think you've misunderstood my criticism here.

	if you have comments to pf code itself, talk to pf people via
	tech@openbsd or misc@openbsd (don't shoot the messenger).

>1. There should be no need for pftag_purge(), pftag_unref() should do
>   all the work.

	i hope so, but things can go wrong so it's good to have cleanup
	function like this.

>2. pftag_tag2tagname() isn't used (dead function?)

	it is used in openbsd bridge code as well as kame ipsec-and-pf code.
