Subject: Re: PF for netbsd
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/29/2003 02:42:38
> In fact, this is true of several other NetBSD developers, and there
> are a number of others who have been told in no uncertain terms that
> they need not apply to the OpenBSD project because they are not
> welcome.
I had an account for...a week? two? some short period.
Theo gave it to me out of the blue, for no reason I could discern,
shortly after the obsd/nbsd split. He took it away again after a brief
spat over some bug incident on, IIRC, bugtraq (I can recount my take on
it if anyone is interested, but this really isn't the place). It ended
with his telling me (quote is from memory) "your ethics stink, you
clearly cannot keep a promise" - a very serious charge to me, as I take
my word seriously. He never explained what promise he thought I had
made and then failed to keep (not that that surprises me).
Add to that the recent kafuffle over the copyright license on...tun.4,
I think it was...and, well, while I have not been explicitly told I
would be unwelcome as an OpenBSD developer, I have no doubt that such
is indeed the case.
Whether this is related to my continuing to use and promote NetBSD, and
being a NetBSD developer at least nominally, is a subject for some
speculation, perhaps mildly interesting to some but pretty pointless.
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