Subject: Re: PF for netbsd
To: None <>
From: James Chacon <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/29/2003 00:34:42 !=

simply comparing userid's isn't proving much when they're not unique...


>>Indeed, you're one of the only people to be found who has managed to
>>maintain any sort of tenure in both camps.
>	no.  do not spread lies, ok?
>% ssh 'awk -F : "{print $1}"  /etc/passwd' > /tmp/1
>% ssh 'awk -F: "{print $1}"  /etc/passwd' > /tmp/2
>% cat /tmp/1 /tmp/2 |sort |uniq -c |sort -n 
>   2 angelos
>   2 bin	(not a human account)
>   2 chris
>   2 daemon
>   2 david
>   2 gnats	(not a human account)
>   2 imp
>   2 itojun
>   2 jmc
>   2 marc
>   2 mark
>   2 matt
>   2 mjacob
>   2 named	(not a human account)
>   2 nobody	(not a human account)
>   2 operator	(not a human account)
>   2 provos
>   2 root	(not a human account)
>   2 shell	(not a human account)
>   2 uucp	(not a human account)