Subject: TCP v. TCP6 interop
To: None <>
From: Chris Jones <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/18/2003 11:00:23
I'm seeing some really weird behavior on a couple of hosts on my
network. Basically, there's an established TCP connection, and one host
thinks it's TCP4, while the other one thinks it's TCP6. I was under the
impression that these two protocols aren't supposed to work together
without the aid of a translator (faith or stf or whatever). Here are
the details:
gamera is running NetBSD 1.6, legolas is running NetBSD 1.6.1. Both
have IPv6 in their kernels, but it hasn't been configured on this
network. Gamera's running cyrus-imapd out of pkgsrc, without the IPv6
gamera# netstat -a | grep imap
tcp 0 0 gamera.imap legolas.59015 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 *.imap *.* LISTEN
legolas$ netstat -a | grep imap
tcp6 0 0 legolas.59015 gamera.imap ESTABLISHED
What's going on here? Even though I have no IPv6 DNS entries, legolas
is using IPv6. Is the 4-in-6 address translation automatic, then?
Chris Jones